Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5, 2010: Thrice

Artist: Thrice
Album: The Artist In The Ambulance
Year: 2003

Thrice is just one of those bands I could never get into. Despite the pressures of one specific person *ahem*, I just very simply never liked their sound. Going through another listen of "The Artist In The Ambulance" very simply proved that point again for me. It's not a technical issue; the band is talented, and Dustin Kensrue is a decent lyricist and a better singer. Unfortunately, he spends very little time on this album singing; I tend to not like screaming in music in general with little exception, and his thin and callous tone is not an exception. The album itself tends to drag on, and even the songs with minimal screaming come off very generic and repetitive. I need the establishment of some kind of hook or melody, or with a band trying to be original, some interesting work in off-keys... but the albums just hammers in minors with reckless abandon. I feel like anyone could have written this group of songs; maybe not performed it, but definitely written it. From what I've heard, this band managed to get better in later efforts, but this is not a good place to start. Stand-outs are "The Melting Point Of Wax" and the "Stare At The Sun", as they are the only ones that I think are bearable.

Hear it for yourself:

Sorry, Laura. Tomorrow's album is parent's choice, so that should be very interesting. Stay tuned!

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