Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12, 2010: Brand New

Artist: Brand New
Album: Deja Entendu
Year: 2003

The magnum opus of a great band, Brand New's "Deja Entendu" is one of those few albums that people will still be listening to forty years from now. A classic, if you will. Opener "Sic Transit Gloria... Glory Fades" gives the listener a rush to the head, pushing a oscillating back beat over Lacey's call and response lyrics about youth, doubt, despair, and feeling out of place. "I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light" is another highlight, running seamlessly into what is probably the crowning achievement and best track in the history and future of Brand New: "Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't". If you don't know this song, click on the link below. The rest of the album is strong, including single "The Quiet Thing That No One Ever Knows", personal favorite "The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot", and the album's powerful finale, "Play Crack The Sky", a longing ditty where Lacey seamlessly compares a literal shipwreck to, well, any other kind of shipwreck: "your tongue is a rudder / that steers the whole ship / sends your words past your lips / or keeps them safe behind your teeth". Great album, highly recommended, and a thank you to Beth for getting this into my library again.

Hear it for yourself:

Tomorrow will be another parent's choice album. I currently don't know what it is yet. Should be interesting!