Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 26, 2010: Forgive Durden

Artist: Forgive Durden
Album: Wonderland
Year: 2006

I've always thought this was a great album, but going through it again with real focus made it very clear that Dutton and folks have crafted a much more clever album then I'd remembered. It's not just the wordplay he tosses around in highlights "Beware The Jubjub Bird And Shun The Frumious Bandersnatch" and "Harry Frazee And No, No, Nanette"; while the more mature themes of the album - hardship, greed, hypocrisy, death - are obvious, little nuances fill the album (see: the end of "Beward The Jubjub Bird...") that really make it come to life. The album is strong from start to finish, highlights include "Parable Of The Sower" (another clever track), "Il Tango Della Signora Francesco Di Bartolommeo Di Zanobi Del Giocono" and the concept album climax track "I've Got A Witch Mad At Me And You Could Get Into Trouble". Song titles and lofty "concept album" status of Wonderland side, this is a damn good album akin to Gatsbys American Dream fare.

Hear it for yourself:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Boo I messed up what I wrote. "I've Got A Witch Mad At Me" is my favorite song from the album. That's why I get for trying to type after work.
